anemptytextllineOctober 18, 2024
Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara is a non-profit farming and rural development association (1901 Act under French law), founded on 15 January 2005. Its aim is to encourage peasant agriculture, as well as preserve our rural heritage, as part of local development focused on the Basque Country.
Courses | Technical days | Conferences
Training courses, technical days,
conferences and events
(articles in French).
Our latest articles
News about Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara (EHLG),
its partners and the world of farming
(articles in French).
Izar Lorea means sun-flower in Basque and is the flower used in our logo.
With its 6 petals, it is the flower of peasant farming.
It is also the name of our farming newsletter. Each edition contains an editorial written by our association’s board members, as well as technical articles, illustrations and an agenda.